SAF Lounge Code of Conduct
1.1 General Policies
1.2 Furniture
1.3 Microwave
1.4 Silent Study
1.5 Study Cubicles
1.1- General Policies
Please be considerate of others and keep the noise level down
AFSA is not responsible for lost/stolen items in the SAF lounge, it is your responsibility to keep track of your belongings.
If assets traditionally provided by Admin/KM (air fresheners, cleaning supplies, chargers) are dysfunctional or missing, please report it to so we can get it replaced ASAP
Please clean up after yourselves!
1.2 - Furniture
All furniture in the SAF Student Lounge is intended for use in the lounge only. Please seek approval from an AFSA executive prior to removing them
Put the chairs and furniture items back in their designated locations within the lounge after use
1.3 - Microwave
If you do not have a lid on your food, please place a paper towel (provided in the boxes beside the microwave) over your food
It is strongly encouraged that you wipe the microwave down/clean up after yourself after using the microwave
If there are no more paper towels in the lounge or if you believe the microwave needs cleaning, please inform an admin/KM committee member (either in person or via email
1.4 - Silent Study
Please keep this area as silent as possible - this area is intended for silent study. Anyone who is deemed to be loud will be asked to leave
During busy periods, please try not to eat crunchy foods (i.e. chips, carrots, etc.) or aromatic foods (i.e. chili, curry, etc) in the silent study area as it can be a disturbance to some students
Be respectful to those around you and take conversations outside (this includes not picking up calls while inside silent study)
Please close the door quietly (do not slam it)
1.5 - Study Rooms
Intended use for 3 or more people. As a courtesy to other students, please give the use of the room to students who are working in a team and use the silent study instead if you are alone
Please sign up for timeslots in order to use these study cubicles.
Place markers back in the room they belong in (if there are no markers or if they have run dry, please inform an admin/KM committee member (either in person or via email --
Do not leave your belongings in the cubicles with no one present if your group is not planning to come back to it within 10 minutes