SAF Alumni Associations New Executive Team!

New team members include:Jesse Waltman, President Vlad Moisseykin (returning), VP Finance & Administration Elaine Lee, VP Communications Gavin Swartzman, VP Connections & Events

What do they do?

“We’re here to facilitate career development and networking opportunities, and to communicate the personal and professional successes of alumni, faculty, and the School,” explains Jesse [revised affiliation/role TK]. “As well, we host community and social events, help coordinate class reunions, and foster long-lasting relationships.”

UW SAF AA and SAF work together to provide opportunities for alumni to be connected, informed and actively involved in the life of the school, its students and alumni. One of the main objectives of the AA is to promote awareness among the business community, and the accounting and finance professions of the many accomplishments and needs of the SAF so as to maximize the educational experience to current students.

For more information on the alumni association executive, check out the full story at